Hey, friends! If you've somehow landed on this page, I pray that your heart is encouraged by this compiled list of women bloggers who speak to the silent grief of many. My hope is that you'll find encouragement, comfort, understanding and HOPE when you read these posts. My heart aches if you've found this page with personal experience dealing with child loss. I am so sorry for the loss you've experienced.
I can't tell you how immensely helpful these blogs have been in my season of grieving my miscarriage. First of all, I had NO idea how common miscarriages are among women. No idea! 1 out of 4. That's absolutely devastating. With this statistic, I know I can't be the only one who would benefit from these other bloggers posts specifically about miscarriage and loss.
Throughout my journey of grieving the loss of our child, I remember scrounging around the internet, searching for someone to relate to or share their experience. Ever since October 2016, I've been compiling a list of sites that I would love to share with you.

Top 7 Blogs for Miscarriages

I Am Fruitful
Lauren Bourne: Baby Loss Resources and Blog Posts
This is such an incredible ministry for parents who are struggling with infertility and loss. I am so inspired by Lauren and her heart for families who have experienced loss.
A bit from their About page…
When we got married in 2008, we thought having kids would be easy. Love, Marriage, Baby Carriage. That's how it works, right? But when we got a call from a nurse who said, "It's going to be really hard for you to ever get pregnant," we felt like we slammed headfirst into a brick wall. We had to choose that day (and many days after) what we were going to believe.
Adriel Booker

Adriel Booker, author of Grace Like Scarlett, has such incredible resources for miscarriage and baby loss.
A bit from her About page…
Adriel Booker is a speaker, advocate, storyteller, and community builder. For nearly twenty years she’s given her life to help people discover the intersection of God’s goodness, their God-given identity, and how they’re uniquely wired to love their neighbor well.
Becky Thompson's Blog

Becky, author of Hope Unfolding and Love Unending, shares her heart so honestly on her experience with miscarriage and motherhood. This is the first blog I subscribed to when I scoured the internet for a haven to know I am not alone in this. This is a blog I follow devoutly. Would recommend to a friend. Love love love it.
Also, my beautiful friend, Kayla shared the book Hope Unfolding with me soon after my miscarriage and it brought so much hope and a sense of understanding that I was searching for.
Hope Mommies

Hope Mommies creates a safe, Biblical community through our online forum, Hope (support) Groups, annual retreats and resources/ministry partners.
A bit from their About page…
Hope Mommies™ is a 501(c)3 non-profit Christian organization whose sole purpose is to come alongside moms and families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, and/or infant loss, bringing comfort, encouragement, companionship, and hope as they continue to walk this side of eternity without their beloved son or daughter.
Brittany Lee Allen Blog

Brittany shares her testimony of her three sweet babies in heaven. She models a transparency and authenticity that has been so refreshing in this community of loss mamas. Her passion for the Lord is simply contagious.
A bit about her…
My hope is that women will find encouragement within my words to seek to know and love the God of the Bible above all things and through all of life’s circumstances. I pray they’ll treasure Jesus more than anything in this world.
Here are some of my favorite blog posts Brittany has written:
Still Standing Magazine

Franchesca Cox is the founder and editor of Still Standing Magazine and she is also the author/illustrator of her workbook for grieving mothers called Facets of Grief.
A bit from their About page…
Founded in 2012, Still Standing Magazine has been the world’s leading online voice in breaking the silence on child loss – from conception to adulthood, and infertility. We share stories from around the world of writers surviving the aftermath of loss and grief – and include information on how others can help.
This is a page for all grieving parents. If you grieve the loss of your child, no matter the circumstances, you are welcome here.
Still Mothers

StillMothers realized the great need for a positive resource in the babyloss community that focused on the unique needs of mothers with no living children. A place to connect, process, and seek healing with other mothers who understand the heartache of being a mother, but not being able to mother in a traditional way. Because we are all Still Mothers.
A bit about them…
Every mother here is a Still Mother. Our situations are different, but we all are living life without one or more of our children. We understand the unique challenges of facing life without hope for the future, and feeling as if our dreams have been lost. We know how painful it becomes to be apart of a community that puts so much emphasis on pregnancy after loss, and we know how hard it can be to feel connected.

Blog Posts About Miscarriage
- Glorianna Boge's Blog- Grief
- Still Mothers Blog- On Triggers
- Coffee and Crumbs- Miscarriage Posts
- Risen Motherhood- Suffering and Loss Resources
- Desiring God- One Way to Wade Through Grief
- Deeply Rooted Magazine- Immanuel
Niki Shirkman's Blog- Frame of Reference- A Trial Most Unexpected
- Still Standing Magazine- A Controversial Challenge- To Sit With The Pain
- Kelly Needham Blog- The Grief of Miscarriage
- Kristin Nicole (The Daily Grace Co.) Blog- Sophia's Birth Story: A Story of Hope
- Goal Digger- Jenna Kutcher: What Miscarriage is Really Like- Podcast episode and blog post and her post, 10 Things to Never Say to Someone Who Has Had a Miscarriage
- Adriel Booker's Blog- Dear Baby: Four Years After Miscarriage- "Grief is a companion and she won’t be boxed in for safe keeping. C.S. Lewis wrote of grief comparing it to the sky—hanging over everything, touching it all"
- While We're Waiting- Faith-Based Retreats for Bereaved Parents- Retreats, Support Groups and Care Packages